Social Responsibility 


It's about improving our communities, from the ground up... literally.

From the start, Crow Creek Capital has dedicated itself to being a responsible corporate citizen. Our commitment to this responsibility is embedded into every investment decision made. Our  set of guidelines for responsible investing incorporate environmental, health, safety, labor, governance and social issues.

Particularly with Infrastructure, it's important that we perform an in depth analysis in order to understand and evaluate the potential environmental, public health, safety, and social conflicts with each property and continue to monitor those issues during its period of engagement.

We understand that investments on behalf of institutional investors must be made responsibly.  It is our top priority to be careful stewards of that capital through our socially conscious efforts. Infrastructure's footprint expands across across all sectors and geographic locations, thus the investment decisions we make will ultimately have a collateral effect. We are committed to operate with the utmost integrity and a spirit to improve communities. This is a central element of Crow Creek's culture and is reflected in the work that we do. By improving our communities we are creating a opportunity for job creation, supporting local communities and creating livable, workable, collaborative spaces for the future of millions of people around the world.